AHS Fiftieth Reunion - The Main Event
Saturday evening we changed into our "good" clothes and headed to Cascarelli's for the Main Reunion Event. Hugs and high-fives all around as we recognized faces long in our past. We'd had the day to explore the Festival and read what everyone has been up to for the last 50 in the great-looking Reunion Booklet Pat (Richards) Hogberg authored. Looking around the room, it appeared we've weathered those years well! But everyone was considerate enough to print his/her name card in extra large letters...
After dinner Class President, Mike Magnotta, addressed the group to thank the Reunion Committee for their hard work in reconnecting us. Then Harlo Haines and Graham Bryce expounded on the special person and friend Earl Nystrom had been. If he was listening, Earl got an earful!
Let's do this again before we get "old!"
Saturday Night Photos
The Reunion Committee:
Sue Matthews Marcos, LaVada Williams Weeks, David Weeks, Dan Seelye, Sylvia Cheek, Larry Ketchum, Chuck Williams, Bill Wheaton, Pat Richards
The 50th Reunion website is a work-in-progress. Now's the time to go up to the attic and haul out your high school scrapbook. Send us old photos and stories of high school days and before.
Update your Personal Page on the
AHS website - bet you have some new grand
children or even a great grand child or two, or have retired and moved
to a warmer clime. Let us know what you're doing with all that spare time!