Remember When? - Send Us Your Memories

Bet there's a box full of high school memories buried somewhere in the attic. Party photos, old class photos, old copies of the "Breeze," dance programs... that dried carnation corsage from the Winter Formal (well, never mind that).

And there must be some good stories stored way back in the nether reaches of your brain. What kind of trouble did you get into on Halloween? Got any good stories about near-death experiences in Driver's Ed? (How did Mr. Graves manage to keep his cool?!) Which farms had the best watermelons? And how did you escape the farmer's wrath - or didn't you? Who besides Buck was on a "first name basis" with Officer Sovjak? How about cruising Superior Street for hours on Saturday night - who were you looking for? (If they weren't cruising Superior Street, they were probably at the A&W.) Does anyone remember the roller skating rink above the A&P Store? Or ice skating on the pond at the park or Duck Lake? Stock car races at the Jackson Motor Speedway?

Email your stories and digital photos to Please identify the people in photos if you can!

Photos, "Breezes," etc. can be sent to Julie Strickler Smith who will carefully scan and return them. We need to know your name, but you may remain anonymous on the website if you'd prefer...
Send materials to:

Julie Smith
81 Seacape Drive
Muir Beach, CA 94965
