Remember When?
Ah, The Fifties – poodle skirts, DAs, Elvis, “Blackboard Jungle,” and gas-guzzling cars with lots of chrome, enormous tail fins and trunks big enough to cram the entire football team into for a “get-in-free” pass to the Albion Drive-In.
Who pegged his pants the tightest? Who was in the front seat with you listening to Randy’s Record Shop on WLAC late at night? Who did you watch “Attack of the 50 Foot Woman,” “Gunfight at the O.K. Corral,” and “Vertigo” with in the balcony at the Bohm…
The fun we had and the trouble we got into - we can laugh at ourselves now that the statute of limitations has run its course. Read what our classmates remember about growing up in Albion. Share your escapades in the watermelon patch and more…
Reminisce about the Friday night game and the sock hops afterwards, the guys all huddled in an impenetrable mass in the middle of the gym floor rehashing the game. Who did you go to the Senior Prom with (does anyone remember the theme)?
And the MUSIC - the birth of Rock & Roll took place in our generation! "At the Hop." "The Purple People Eater." "Get a Job." "Hard Headed Woman." "Yakety Yak." "Good Golly, Miss Molly…"
Some of us have rescued old photos and scrapbooks from the attic. Take a look at what we've found - old "Breezes," dance programs, grade school class pictures... and more! Then find your scrapbook and send us some goodies.
Remember "I Love Lucy" & "Gunsmoke" on the black & white TV? And being scared out of your wits listening to "The Shadow" on the radio? How much did we pay for a gallon of Texaco? Remember the Burma Shave signs along US12? We’ve gathered a bunch of links about the 50s – check them out and enjoy a look back to our past!
What would all this nostalgia be without some "Old People" humor? We’ve collected some jokes and stories that have been flying around cyberspace and elsewhere. Have some laughs and send us some more!